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Re-thinking UNSCR1325

Feminist peace-building beyond Women, Peace and Security

Since 2000, the recognition of women's role in peace-building by the UN Security Council has framed the way we think about the gendered effects of conflict and the need to integrate gender perspective in peace agreements. Recognised as "1325" or the "Women, Peace, and Security" agenda, the list of issues drawn up at the level of the UNSC through Resolutions following UNSCR 1325, have driven feminist peace activism. However, the interpretation of UNSCR 1325, i.e. its applications on the different situations on the ground, has varied significantly.​

The conference aims to re-think UNSCR 1325, and its 'sister resolutions', within this context. It seeks to stimulate a feminist critical reconsideration of the understandings of 'peace', 'security' in a way that puts emphasis on gender and questions what different actors might conceptualise women's role to be, within conflict and after it. The conference presents case studies from conflict areas in Cyprus' neighbourhood and from local practitioners. â€‹

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