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1. The economic advancement of women should constitute a point of priority in economic planning and resource allocation.
2. Economic policies should be scrutinised to ensure that they do not disadvantage women, directly or indirectly.
3. Women and their interests should be represented at all levels of economic decision-making.
4. The feminisation of poverty, the gender pay gap, the glass ceiling, and other established barriers to women’s economic empowerment must be addressed as points of priority in policy and legislation.

5. The federal state shall adopt gender budgeting initiatives. Gender budgeting aims at mainstreaming a gender equality perspective into public finance by ensuring budgets are planned, approved, executed, monitored and audited in a gender-sensitive way. This means that policies are assessed in terms of their gender impact and budget allocations are made to reduce gender gaps. To this end, gender-disaggregated statistics shall be compiled.
6. Monitoring bodies shall be set up at both federal unit / constituent state and federal state level, mandated to address gender inequities in the area of employment. The eradication of the gender pay gap and lack of access to social security will be central points of concern in such monitoring.
7. Research on the gender impact of neoliberal economic policies in Cyprus shall be undertaken. The informal sector, flexible employment arrangements, part-time employment agreements and practices, and other aspects of precarity should constitute particular foci in such research.
8. Schools should provide training on gender bias and teach students about gender equity. Especially young girls shall be taught leadership skills, which include skills in negotiation and networking.
9. Training on cooperative education, management and marketing should be incorporated into the on-going public education.

10. Access to social security benefits should be guaranteed for all forms of labour, including informal and precarious labour, as well as domestic labour.
11. Gender discrimination at work, including in pay and employment opportunities and dismissal, should be forbidden in law. Gender, ethnicity, race, class, culture, age, sexuality, pregnancy, or marital status must be understood as constituting grounds of discrimination.
12. Domestic and migrant workers should be guaranteed fair terms of employment as well as decent working conditions. The minimum terms and conditions of their employment should be clearly stipulated in their contracts and violations of the terms of the contract should not adversely affect their living conditions (e.g. through suspending their right to work). Employers should be required by law to inform domestic workers of their terms and conditions of employment, such as the type of work to be performed, including tasks not to be performed, the normal hours of work, etc.
13. Social security policies and reforms to social security schemes should take into account the gender dimensions of their application. Restoring higher budget allocations to social sectors is vital as privatization processes affecting the provision of basic public services such as water or electricity, or other public services (especially in health, education, culture and science) present difficulties in the raising of the family.

14. The federal state shall adopt legislative measures establishing quotas or targets for gender representation on company boards.
15. Measures shall be taken to ease the access of self-employed women to economic resources such as credit, agricultural inputs, and land. This can be done through the development of legislation protecting the rights of women regarding inheritance of land and land-based resources; the establishment of legal and non-legal infrastructure through land reforms, national mechanisms and community tribunals to monitor the enforcement of pro-women laws, policies and practices; the set-up of technical and financial schemes to support women land-buyers, owners and producers in order to ensure redistribution.
16. Provision should be made in law and policies designed to promote the organization of self-employed women into cooperatives.

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